Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges - A pool of great minds

I woke up at the dawn of April28, rushed to the terminal when I was all geared up, they're all waiting for my lazy butt :D. Then we went on board the 3rd trip to Davao City. We had to be in Davao by 8am, the registration started on April27 and we’re obviously the tardy birds.

We arrived just in time (in Grand Regal Hotel) before the conference started. Sir Bing and I rushed to the poster stands where we had to hang our posters.

The conference wasn’t boring as one would expect it to be. I have learned vital information that I can really use in my research classes, terms like “publishability” and “gray literature” are “brawny” words that are truly evocative to researchers.

After the first sessions was the cutting of the ribbon for the opening of poster presentation. Then commenced the poster scrutiny, we stood beside our posts, we did some explanations, lucky to have had a picture with the CHED-R12 director, Madam Paderanga, and went on to the next part of the gathering.

When the concurrent conferences was about to start, we got out of the conference hall to the lobby and I saw a beauty, it was Vina Morales. For a moment I went gay for she’s is a beauty that is inside out. Without considering timidity, Sir Tino and I asked for a pose with her.

As I was witnessing the presentations, my mind wandered in RMMC, I thought of my colleagues who have so much potential when it comes to research, and I have reckoned that RMMC, truly, has great minds and noble teachers who can compete intelligently with other educators. I feel proud that I am working in an institution where teachers are living in the education of keen learners.

The second conference day ended with shooting evidences (picture picture!).


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