
Showing posts from 2014


Waking up in an All Soul’s day and having Purefood’s Chunkee corned beef for breakfast would have been better if it was Purefood’s Premium Pure Beef corned beef. Yes, this one’s better. You cannot evade from its meaty pure beef taste where the beef meat strands do not stick together that much. Well, the taste goes with the price anyway.    However, if you don’t want to go with these pricy canned goods, you should try Holiday Corned beef as well. This one’s wayyy better than all other ordinary and regular corned beef canned goods. It tastes different, sarap na ninanamnam talaga. And there’s more to this, it’s cheap, probably one of the cheapest corned beef goods in store, a cheap price that doesn’t go away with quality. This blog is based on my personal taste and experience, not for adverts or plugs, whatever. Jpeg source: